We offer support, execution of current or audit of already performed geological exploration works. We perform works without intermediaries, at no additional expense. Calculation for the performed work can be done directly with the performers. In the section "Our team" you will be able to select the necessary specialists for yourself. We will respectively arrange their departure to their destination.
Using our experience, knowledge and skills in the field of mining and non-metallic geology, we can significantly help you avoid unwanted risks in this area of business, find the right approach and ways in evaluating, preparing and implementing projects related to prospection, exploration and production of minerals, anywhere in our planet.
Gold, salt, oil, gas, water, far from being a complete list of minerals, in assessing the objects we have enough luggage of knowledge and skills.
We have been studied and evaluated in the different countries of our planet the ore and placer mine deposits of gold.
The following is a brief description of our experience
In 1989-1991, as part of the Zun-Kholbinsk exploration party, Buryatia, on the Zun-Cholba ore gold deposit as a resident geologist at underground work, exploration of three underground exploration horizons was performed. Moreover, one of the horizons was explored from the very beginning to its completion. An approaching drift from the earth's surface, which was 200 m long, was completed before the end of the ore zone. Subsequently, a detailed underground exploration of this horizon was carried out by digging through the ore zone. Testing on the central, richest part of the ore body was carried out every three meters with a furrow method (channel sampling) along the drift. The entire ore zone was tested with a furrow test after 20m. For what cuts were made with through the entire ore zone with access to the containing deposits. All channel samples were processed accordingly and sent for assay analysis.
The Zun-Kholbinsky polymetallic gold deposit is confined to the Samarta-Kholbinsk synclinal, which is composed of Riphean shales with intercalations of limestone and sandstone. Gold mineralization is localized in steeply falling structures of carbonaceous-sericite-chlorite, chlorite-sericite schists and limestones, which lie between the fields of granodiorites and granite gneisses.
Mpanda district, Republic of Tanzania, Africa (2013-2014). Within the license area of 25 km2 a complex of geological works was carried out, which included detailed searches and preliminary exploration. According to the results of the search and exploratory works, two ore objects were identified and calculated proved reserves of gold, silver, bismuth, copper.
Within one year the following was conducted:
- reconnaissance route survey of the territory;
- mapping of the search area ;
- preliminary prospecting by the surface mining works (trenches, pits);
- geodetic and geophysical works;
- slope drilling on the De-Reef and Magamba ore sections;
- prelaboratory preparation of samples with subsequent performance of complex of laboratory researches in accredited laboratories.
The bulk sampling realization of modern channel beds of alluvial gold by small hydraulic dredge. River Sahatorendrika, Republic of Madagascar. Search for indigenous sources of ore gold. Searches and mapping of ore gold objects of the Fisakana (Sahalampy) and Sahatorendrika rivers places. Three types of ore mineralization are identified associated with graphitized silicified schists, ferruginous quartzites and mineralized zones in gneiss-like sedimets.
Mapped objects can be promising and require further development of geological exploration (2014).
The accompanying of mining operations on placer mine gold of Tiger Creek deposite, Guyana Republic, South America. The extraction of gold was carried out by the Brazilian method with the help of small-scale quarries up to 100 m2.
The prospect of gold mining at the Puruni and Aramanta license sites was also evaluated.
Preliminary searches have been carried out and gold ore mineralization has been identified in the north of Tiger Creek and in southern Aramanta (2014-2015).
Organization of exploration work on the Tontokrum weathering crust deposit, Republic of Ghana, West Africa. Determination of the geological structure of the deposit, geological support of mining operations, additional exploration of the flanks of the gold ore deposit, drilling, surveying. Organization of a field laboratory. Testing for gold in samples (heavy concentrate analysis). Control of ore material entering the concentration plant.
Conducting search routes in promising directions, determined on the basis of: analysis of the work performed, decryption of satellite imagery, literature data. Promising areas with existing gold occurrences in unlicensed areas have been identified (2011-2012).
The reconnaissance work was carried out within the Sara Creeck license area (75 km2), Republic of Suriname, South America. The purpose of the work, the analysis of materials from previous geological works and the prospects of the area for the extraction of alluvial gold.
According to the results of the work, it was determined that all the effective reserves of alluvial gold have already been exhausted.
Based on the results of detailed searches, a wide ore mineralization zone with a length of more than several kilometers and a width of several hundred meters was outlined. This zone contains hydrothermally formed silicified graphite schists with a thickness of 0.5 to 10 m. Such formations are promising for the content of both gold and other useful components (Rh, Rt, Os, Ir, Pd, Pt).
To clarify the true prospects of these zones, it is necessary to conduct preliminary exploration with a complex of specialized laboratory studies (2019).